An interview I gave with Gerard McLoughlin about my keynote session at the TESOL Spain Convention in Vitoria, Spain in March, 2016.
Here are a selection of video and website interviews.
An interview I gave for the British Council at the IATEFL Conference in Birmingham in 2016 in which I talk about my session on using short films to encourage students to create their own written narratives and short videos.
An interview I gave at the TESOL-Macedonia-Thrace Convention in Thessolonoki, Greece in March, 2014.
An interview I gave about my website Film English and the MEDEA Award at the Media and Learning Conference in Brussels, Belgium in December, 2013.
An interview I gave at the British Council ELTons Awards in London in June 2016.
An interview I gave for the British Council at the IATEFL Conference in Harrogate in 2014 in which I give practical tips on using short film and animated websites to teach vocabulary.
Listen to a podcast interview I gave for the British Council English Agenda website.
Interview by Philip Kerr for the South Eastern Europe Teachers’ Association magazine Philip Kerr interviews Kieran Donaghy on the role of film in language teaching. Kieran, many thanks, first of all, for agreeing to be interviewed. You won a British Council ELTon award for your website, Film English , which gets over 80,000 visitors […]
Interview with Film English Expert Kieran Donaghy (Downloadable PDF)