Film English

Film English is a resource website for teachers and students which promotes the innovative and creative use of film in English language teaching and learning. All of the lesson plans revolve around the use of video and film to teach English. The site promotes film literacy, the ability to analyse moving images, and considers film literacy as a 21st century skill which our students need to learn. In addition, the lessons promote critical thinking in the language classroom, and encourage learners to reflect on values while learning a language. Film English has become a very popular resource English Teaching bank and is visited by over 100,000 teachers every month and receives over 3 million page views a year. It has received critical acclaim winning various awards, including a British Council ELTons award for Innovation in Teacher Resources and won the MEDEA Award for User-Generated Educational Media, the most important media and education award in Europe, in 2013. Film English also won English Speaking Union President’s Award Runner-up prize in 2014.
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